Wednesday, March 7, 2007

knitting's hard

...i thought Easy Knits would be a great idea. The premise: easy little knitting projects (I’m starting this blog as a class project (“from blogs to buzz”, at nyu continuing education). The requirement is 3 posts a week for 6 weeks. I figured knitting would be an easy enough subject. My first post every week would describe the week’s knitting project. I’d show a printable pattern & a photo of the required supplies.

The second posting would show the work in progress and the third…the completed project. It’d be a great system, except for the fact that I’m not a very good knitter & being new to new york have a hard time rounding up all my supplies. Oh yea, I also insist on knitting without a pattern so it takes me a while to finish anything (read: I start over a lot while I figure out my guage, and my pattern)

The project I’m working on now is a cozy for my digital camera (the Panasonic lumix fx30. note: they have one of the worst sites I’ve seen in a while). It’s been about 4 weeks, I’ve started over about 6 times, and I’m almost finished. I spent the first week trying to find a knitting storethat carried cheap, machine washable yarn, and the second 2 ripping my work apart and starting over. This last week I've made a half-ditch effort to find a yarn needle to sew the piece together. I only looked one place, The Point Knitting Cafe, and they were out.

Maybe for now, I’ll just blog about my experience knitting (and blogging)...interesting knitting supplies...stores ...knitters...blogs that I encounter while figuring all this out.


Harlem Purl said...

FYI, Knit NY which is on 14th street closer to 2nd avenue has darning needles for a buck. they keep them in a jar at the counter.

kate said...

thank you!