Sunday, March 11, 2007


figuring i should get a little schooling in this subject, to save myself from spending too much time ripping things apart, i decided to buy a 'how to' book. was looking for 'knitting without tears' by elizabeth zimmerman but couldn't find it. instead, i bought 'the ultimate sourcebook of knitting & crochet stitches'. there are so many fun patterns! not patterns for things to make like hats, sweaters that no one will wear, etc., but stitching patters (as shown on the book jacket above). there are some really cool ones. looking forward to trying some out. will probably still be knitting or crocheting in squares for a while, but now they'll be more interesting looking squares. stripes are getting a little tired. maybe i'll make some pillow covers.

also - in flipping through the book, i discovered that my baby blanket was crocheted in the 'catherine wheel' stitch (my full name's katherine). i got a little warm and fuzzy when i saw that. threw the ratty little rag out in college, but i slept with it almost every night until then...

1 comment:

alicia said...

This is a great book! I use it all the time. Just be sure to do a test swatch first - I've found some stitches work beautifully, and others don't work at all.